Dispositif d'alerte interne du groupe VINCI Autoroutes

Internal Alert System VINCI Autoroutes

The internal whistleblowing system makes it possible to report, in good faith, conduct or situations that contravene current laws and regulations as well as VINCI's Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, in a confidential and secure manner.

What incidents can be reported ?

A report can concern conduct or a situation contrary to the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct of the VINCI Group.

More generally, a report can involve:

  • A crime,
  • An offense,
  • A threat or serious harm to the public interest,
  • Violation or an attempt to conceal a violation of an international commitment regularly ratified or approved by France, a unilateral act of an international organization based on such commitment, European Union law, or national law or regulation.


To qualify for whistleblower status, the author of the report must:

  • Act in good faith; the report should not be motivated by an intention to harm others;
  • Act selflessly; the report must be submitted without financial compensation, and the author cannot expect to be remunerated for the report;
  • Have obtained the information in the course of their professional activities, or alternatively, have personally become aware of the facts.

The internal alert system ensures the confidentiality of the information, particularly regarding the identity of the person initiating the report, and provides protection against retaliatory measures if the reporting is done in good faith.

Information provided through the system must remain factual, directly related to the subject of the alert, and must not involve national defense secrets, medical confidentiality, the secrecy of judicial deliberations, the secrecy of judicial investigation or proceedings, or the professional secrecy of a lawyer.

The misuse of the system may expose the author to sanctions or legal action. Conversely, the good-faith use of the system does not subject the author to disciplinary action, even if the facts subsequently prove to be inaccurate or lead to no further action.

For more information on the procedures for collecting and processing alerts, please refer to the Reporting Procedure [insert link].

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